Birdwatching in New York City and on Long Island" is chatty, informative, precise, enthusiastic and the soul of practicality -- in other words, exactly what you want in a wise and experienced birding companion. Deb Rivel and Kellye Rosenheim share not only the best hotspots, but the best vantage points, times of day for photography, whether a scope will help or get you cussed at by joggers, where to eat, where to find a bathroom, how to navigate public transportation and even suggestions for what else to do when you're finally done birding. Easily one of the best -- maybe *the* best -- regional birding guides anywhere.
Scott Weidensaul, author of Peterson Reference Guide to Owls of North America and the Caribbean
This terrific guide is all you need to go birding in New York. From the "best of" tips about where to go and what you'll see -- to the historical context -- the authors set you up for great birding experiences. All you need to do is grab a copy of this book, your binoculars, and your friends or family and head out to see the birdy boroughs of New York.
David Yarnold, President & CEO, National Audubon Society
Phenomenally well done, beautifully organized and packed with useful information. From now on, I'll be using this book every time I visit New York.
Kenn Kaufman, author of the Kaufman Field Guides
A practical guide to finding birds, full of insider info. All my favorite NYC birding haunts and some soon-to-be-discovered ones described in glorious detail. A must for every NYC area birder – local and visitor alike.
Victor Emanuel, founder, Victor Emanuel Nature Tours
This is a must-have book for anyone who watches birds in the New York City area. Authors Deborah Rivel and Kellye Rosenheim have thoroughly investigated key sites—from birding hotspots to smaller parks and lesser known locations—offering an abundance of natural and cultural history as well as choice bits of arcana and advice...The book is full of interesting and sometimes off-beat birding tips. Almost all of the sites in the book include postal addresses, telephone numbers, and websites in addition to information about organized walks, trail conditions, opening times, entrance fees, parking, food stores and cafés, restrooms, poison ivy, and ticks...Based on the likely popularity and success of this site guide, perhaps the authors are planning a sequel...I certainly hope so. Andrew Rubenfeld, President, Linnaean Society of New York