Birdwatching Hookey
What a beautiful spring day in Central Park to go bird watching! I couldn't stay inside knowing all those migrating birds have been winging their way to New York City. So late afternoon I stopped working and raced up there for a couple of hours of hanging out with birds. Warblers are arriving by the truckload -- Yellow-rumped, Black and White, Blue-winged (which I regret I did not see), Veery, vireos, Hermit Thrushes, plus Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Towhees, and more White-throated Sparrows than imaginable. The beautiful song of Song Sparrows filled Strawberry Fields, and pretty much everywhere I went there were birds, and birders happy to tell me where to find the next great bird. To all who made those great suggestions - thanks -- it made my day! As did this Black and White Warbler who was very co-operative and feeding like crazy.